Thief jailed after stealing from St Andrews hospital
ByThe Courier Reporter
St Andrews Memeorial Hospital.
A man who admitted to stealing metal from an abandoned hospital was sentenced to six months in prison.
Jason Hynd, 24, Chamberfield Road, Dunfermline, admitted to stealing a quantity of metal from the St Andrews Memorial Hospital on April 22 last year.
He and another man had been spotted carrying lengths of metal pipe near the abandoned building by a dog walker, who contacted the police. Officers intercepted a Transit van in which Hynd and the other person were travelling, finding only tools.
However, a bag was later found nearby containing the lengths of pipe and two brass plates, metals worth a total of £615 and which were identified as being from the hospital building.
Sentencing Hynd to six months in prison, Sheriff Charles Macnair said: “In my view, this has to be dealt with severely.”
Thief jailed after stealing from St Andrews hospital