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Wheelchair-adapted council house in Leslie goes unused for seven months

Wheelchair-adapted council house in Leslie goes unused for seven months

A Fife Council house has lain empty for seven months as scores of people remain on housing waiting lists, it has been claimed.

Councillor Fiona Grant has described the property in Rothes Road in Leslie as a “huge blot” on the local authority’s housing record as families await suitable accommodation.

The semi-detached house has been specially adapted for wheelchair users. However, with no suitable candidates having taken on the property since, Councillor Grant believes the time has come to let it to other prospective tenants.

The SNP councillor said: “The house has major adaptations to help the previous tenants and the council has tried to find new tenants who need the same adaptations. No one argues with any of that.

“The question I need answered is: how long is it reasonable to keep a family house empty while hoping a suitable tenant applies?

“There has to come a time to take the decision to reverse the adaptations and re-let the house. I think that point has been passed.

“I know that the housing team in Glenrothes North is usually one of the best in Fife at getting houses re-let but this is a huge blot on their copybook.”

John Mills, who is senior manager at the council’s housing access and support team, said: “Under normal circumstances this property would have been relet within four weeks of the termination.

“However, this property has a specific adaptation and we have a duty to allocate this type of property to someone in a wheelchair or who needs a lift to go upstairs.”

Adding that three previous applicants had rejected the house, Mr Mills said that another viewing was scheduled for Tuesday.

He said: “If this latest offer is rejected the council will remove the lift and reinstate the property as soon as possible so that it can be re-let to a family who need a three-bed property.”