Super-fast broadband has arrived in Glenrothes.
More than 2,000 homes and businesses in its north exchange area now have access to the high-speed technology and this figure will increase to more than 4,700 as engineers complete the local upgrade, BT has announced.
The investment was welcomed by local MSP Tricia Marwick, who said it was great news for those in the north of the town. “Super-fast fibre broadband in north Glenrothes will benefit both local residents and businesses. Broadband is an essential part of Fife’s present and future,” she said.
“It’s vital that we embrace this latest generation of technology in order for our local economy to remain competitive. Better, faster communications boost businesses, helping them grow and create more jobs.”
Upgrades will follow in Glenrothes’ central and south exchange areas and by the end of next spring more than 18,000 homes and businesses will be able to benefit from BT’s £2.5 billion fibre programme.
BT Scotland director Brendan Dick said: “We’ve always said we’d like to work with the public sector to expand the fibre footprint beyond the commercial boundaries. In Scotlandwe are excited to be doing exactly that through multimillion-pound partnerships with the Scottish Government, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Broadband Delivery UK, local authorities, including Fife Council, and others.”