Fife Council looking for ‘clever answers’ to slow down speeding drivers
ByThe Courier Reporter
Fife Council is exploring new ways of enforcing 20mph speed limits.
New ways of putting the brakes on speeding drivers are to be investigated by Fife Council.
The local authority will look at ways of enforcing 20mph speed limits in residential areas after local councillors agreed current measures are having a limited impact.
A proposal by Conservative councillor Dave Dempsey was backed at a meeting of the council last week, with council officers now set to examine new ways of calming traffic and enforcing speed limits.
Mr Dempsey said: “We know that a vast majority of the public want speed limits better enforced. We know too that none of the measures currently in use work well enough.
“Those that properly discriminate between the law-abiding and the anti-social minority police speed checks for example are too expensive to be widely used.
“The cheaper options, humps and bumps, upset and inconvenience the law-abiding and are hugely unpopular. What we need is a clever answer something that picks out the speedsters.
“Speed-activated traffic lights, in use successfully on the continent, have been suggested.”
Fife Council looking for ‘clever answers’ to slow down speeding drivers