Councillors have agreed parking restrictions to tackle busy roads around Dunfermline Central Mosque.
City of Dunfermline area committee heard there had been many complaints about parking during busy times at the Woodmill Road mosque.
Residents had found themselves blocked in or out of their streets and drivers have been parking on footpaths forcing pedestrians into roads.
They also heard buses were prevented from stopping at designated bus stops, and drivers’ sightlines at junctions were cut, presenting a danger to motorists.
Consultation had taken place with residents, police and the mosque with letters sent out asking them to abide by the Highway Code and park in a manner that would not impact on road safety.
White access protection markings were put on junctions and driveways to try to modify parking mistakes, without the need for formal restrictions.
But, councillors heard, drivers ignored them and continued to park in a way that was dangerous.
Now the council is promoting waiting restrictions along Woodmill Road and a nearby semi-circular piece of open ground.
Councillor Bob Young said he was delighted as it was a very busy road.
However, Councillor Neale Hanvey was concerned that by solving one problem they would be moving it elsewhere.