The evening of November 2 2013 was just a typical Saturday night for the Bryant family.
As son Allan Junior prepared for a night out with friends, father Allan sat relaxing in the living room of hisGlenrothes home, waiting for the music from upstairs to die down.
Minutes later, and having beenrelieved of some money by his son,order was once again restored andAllan and his wife Marie settled down to enjoy the rest of their Saturday evening.
There has been no such relaxation in the Bryant household since that night, and two years on Allan Jr’s whereabouts remain unknown.
“He had a few friends over before going to an engagement party,” said his father.
“It was just a normal night.
“He came down and asked if he was looking alright before going out and that was it.
“He was happy and in a good mood.
“I never thought it would be the last time I saw him.”
Allan Jr was 23 when he disappeared following his night out.
After the engagement party at Leslie Golf Club, he and his friends had gone to Styx Nightclub on Glenrothes’Caskieberran Road.
CCTV footage showed him leaving the venue in the early hours of the morning, his last known movements.
Despite a high-profile campaign from police and Allan’s family, there remains no trace of him, though Police Scotland has maintained that there has never been any evidence of criminality.
“Every day is hell. You go to sleep and all we do is think about Allan. When we wake up, the first thing that we do is talk about Allan,” said his dad.
“You cannot get away from it.”
With the help of donations, Allan Sr has purchased a van covered withimages of his son, while postersappealing for information can be found throughout Fife.
Central to the effort of finding the now 25-year-old is a Facebook page established by the Bryant family, which has attracted more than 55,000 followers from around the world.
However, despite the support he has received from online well-wishers, Mr Bryant says that nothing can compensate for the love of his missing boy.
“They don’t know you but themessages I get are just amazing.
“We just have to keep tryingeverything we possibly can to find our Allan.”
His mum Marie added: “We have to think that we are going to find him.”