A heartbroken animal lover who is facing the prospect of having to put to sleep more than 20 of her rescued, abused and injured animals unless she is offered new land, is still trying to find a solution.
Nichola Mackay, 31, of Methilhill, said she had received numerous emails and phone calls of support since it was reported last week that her animals may soon become homeless.
However, she still needs help to find a rent-free field and has made a fresh plea for help.
She told The Courier: “People have been coming forward to say they could offer a home for one or two of my animals. For me that would be a last resort.
“Some people have come forward with offers of a field but for only one.
“What’s been an issue is that some of the fields being offered are just too far away and it wouldn’t be practical for me to tend the animals. I’ve also got to think about winter.
“The landowner who is selling up the land where I am now has given me extra time to find a solution. It’s not their fault they need to sell up because they are getting old.
“But what I really need is a ‘secret millionaire’ to come forward and let me buy the land for myself.”
The Courier reported last week how Nichola first began rescuing abused, injured and unwanted animals at the age of 18. At the moment her menagerie includes six ponies, 11 sheep, nine ferrets and two barn owls.
Nichola, who balances caring for the animals and working full-time at Havelock Europa, has enjoyed the rent-free use of a piece of land along from Balcormo Mains, near Lundin Links, for 13 years.
But the owner has decided to sell it for personal reasons and Nichola cannot afford to buy the land. Former Methilhill Fife councillor Joyce Smith said she had been touched by the animals’ plight.
She has written to the animal charity PDSA to ask if they would consider buying the field.
She said: “It would be tragic for the animals in her care if they were put to sleep.”
Nichola can be contacted on 07729 702037 or nicholamackayn73@o2.co.uk.