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Dura Den flood victim gets present of birthday tea at home with family

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An elderly woman whose house was devastated by a flood had the best birthday present she could wish for when she celebrated in her own home.

After all the stops were pulled out to ensure her safe return, Pamela Sabet (76) was back home in time for her birthday tea.

Mill House, where she lives with daughter Louise Hughes and four grandchildren, was among the worst hit when the Ceres Burn burst its banks during a heavy downpour in October and raged through Dura Den in Fife.

Luckily, Pamela, who has severe dementia, was receiving respite care in a home in nearby Cupar at the time, as Louise was on holiday in Florida. Grandson Storm Hughes (21) was home alone, but escaped unscathed.

However, the dangerous condition Mill House was left in meant Pamela had to remain in care.

Fearing that the longer she was away, the more likely she would forget where she came from and never be able to return, her family set insurance claims aside and put all their energy into getting her back.

Louise said it was “fantastic” to have her mother home for her special day, adding: “It”s a huge relief. She is ecstatic to be home.”

As Pamela, whose downstairs bedroom was completely destroyed, receives care, the property needed to pass risk assessments before she was allowed back.

The garden was buried by rubble from the collapsed road and gable wall of the house next door, the driveway blocked by trees and boulders and huge chunks of land washed away.

Louise said: “Due to the nature of insurance claims and the time it takes to progress these, as a family we made the decision to bypass all of these and concentrate on the work required to pass the risk assessments quickly, not only to bring her home but to allow her care workers back on to the property.”

Meetings with councillors and council officers resulted in a contractor clearing away hundreds of tonnes of boulders and debris and ensuring the banking and driveway was safe.

Barricades were provided by the council to make a safe walkway to the house for Pamela and her carers.

Louise said: “We count ourselves very fortunate and only hope the poor people suffering in all the floods around the country last week get through it as quickly as we have.”