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Friends of Netherlea Hospital hand over 1,200-name petition demanding it stays open

Kris Miller, Courier, 26/09/11. Picture today at St Andrews Community Hospital, Largo Road, Friends  of Netherlea are handing over a 1200 signature petition to the community health partnership in St Andrews. L/R, Cllr Tim Brett, John Naysmith (Chair of Friends of Netherlea) and Cllr Maggie Taylor.
Kris Miller, Courier, 26/09/11. Picture today at St Andrews Community Hospital, Largo Road, Friends of Netherlea are handing over a 1200 signature petition to the community health partnership in St Andrews. L/R, Cllr Tim Brett, John Naysmith (Chair of Friends of Netherlea) and Cllr Maggie Taylor.

A petition featuring the signatures of more than 1,200 people opposing the closure of Netherlea Hospital has been handed over to health chiefs.

Proposals to shut the Newport hospital have been greeted with a storm of criticism, with local councillors among those cautioning against the move.

A development blueprint to be considered by the Community Health Partnership (CHP) recommends closure of the much-loved facility in favour of home-based “care in the community”.

Originally opened as a maternity unit in 1948, Netherlea can cater for up to 10 patients, with six GP beds and four elderly care beds.

Campaigners delivered their petition opposing the closure to health chiefs at the St Andrews community hospital on Monday.

John Naysmith, chairman of the friends of Netherlea Hospital, said: “We believe the decision by the CHP to close Netherlea has been made in haste and without due consideration of all the facts.

“Netherlea is currently full and therefore serving a useful purpose for the community and the CHP.”

Mr Naysmith insists there has not been “adequate time” for consultation and details are “vague” and “lack clarity”.

“The community has no confidence in the CHP’s proposals,” he continued. “We (the friends group) believe that, no matter how good ‘care in the community’ is, there will always be a number of patients who will need 24-hour care, assessment, rehabilitation and protection in a hospital such as Netherlea. The hospital has provided this care for our community for decades and can continue to do so.”

Mr Naysmith accused health chiefs of allowing the fabric of the Netherlea building to “deteriorate”.

“The friends agree that the facilities need upgrading, but we are disappointed that there appears to be no money to upgrade Netherlea when our similar-sized sister communities have had millions spent on them,” he said.

Councillors Tim Brett and Maggie Taylor also expressed their concern as the petition was handed over.

CHP chairman Graham Watson insisted community concern would be taken into account at the meeting, saying some “very useful feedback” had been received.

He said: “These changes are essential to meet the challenge of ever-increasing demand for health services. I believe, however, there is general acceptance that it is right to maintain people in a home environment.”