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Pittencrieff Primary School theft leaves a bitter taste

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A Dunfermline primary school has been the victim of an unusual raid. The thieves didn’t go for the usual targets of money or IT equipment instead, the school has seen dozens of its bags of salt stolen.

Police confirmed that Pittencrieff Primary School was hit between 6pm on Thursday December 8 and 4.30pm on Friday December 9. The school’s secure store was broken into overnight and dozens of 25kg bags of road salt, which would be used to keep the school’s paths and surrounding areas clear of snow and ice this winter, were taken.

Officers are keen to find the culprits and hope someone may have seen what happened.

The theft has been condemned by headteacher Julie Journeaux, who urged anyone with any information to call the police.

”It is appalling that thieves have deliberately targeted school resources this way,” she said. ”Our children’s education is the most important thing to us and any theft from a school disrupts that education in some way, even if just by diverting funds away from other areas.

”Following the horrendous winter we had last year, extra salt was delivered to all schools to help us to keep our schools open as much as possible, even if the weather turns bad. This was a significant amount of salt to move and the theft has been well planned.”

PC Leanne Mercer, who is leading the investigation, said: ”Undoubtedly a vehicle would have been used to remove the salt and I would appeal to anybody with information regarding this theft to contact Fife Police on 0845 600 5702 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, where all calls are treated anonymously.”