What a beauty! Miss World contestants a big hit at Gleneagles
ByNews reporter
Kim Cessford, Courier 25.10.11 - pictured at the Gleneagles Golf Academy where the Miss World contestants tried their hand at golf are the girls on the driving range
Fresh from enjoying Scottish hospitality and a traditional ceilidh, this year’s Miss World contestants turned their hand to golf this week.
Under the watchful eyes of the professionals at Gleneagles the group brought a touch of glamour to the courses that will host the Ryder Cup in 2014.
”Miss Spain (Carla Garcia) and Miss Germany (Sabrina Reitz) had played before and hit some good shots,” said head teaching professional Andrew Jowett.
”But they were all very sporty and they looked as if they were picking up the fundamentals quite quickly.”
Miss Scotland, Jennifer Reoch, was particularly keen that her fellow contestants enjoyed the Scottish experience.
Miss World organiser Julia Morley said this week’s Scottish trip had worked out well, despite the mixed weather.
”I love bringing them to Scotland,” she said. ”It’s a wonderful country and I really wanted them to see it.”
What a beauty! Miss World contestants a big hit at Gleneagles