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Potato firm James Haggart and Sons falls into administration

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After weeks of rumours, it has been confirmed that a Muthill potato firm has gone into administration, leading to the loss of two jobs and putting 15 more at risk.

Family-owned James Haggart and Sons has been in the area for over 50 years and has been forced to call in accountants KPMG after facing financial difficulty.

The firm grows and supplies potatoes and potato seed throughout Britain and abroad and employed 17 people.

There has already been speculation that another eight members of staff could lose their jobs, as only a handful are kept on to keep the business ticking over.

Just two years ago there was a management buy-out at the company, with most shared issue capital bought from certain shareholders.

A holdings firm was created on behalf of one of the two continuing shareholders to allow them to gain a majority of the issued share capital of Haggarts.

Although Blair Nimmo and Gary Fraser of KPMG have been appointed joint administrators, the company will continue to trade under their control.

On a seven-acre site the company owns several agricultural buildings, including potato grading and cold storage facilities. Around 70% of the business is growing a mixture of seed, while the remainder of produce is ware potatoes.

Still on site are 678 tonnes of planting seed, 1712 tonnes of seed for sale, 1261 tonnes of ware and farm machinery.

The administrators are inviting offers for the trade and assets of the business. Anyone interested in any aspect of the firm should call 0131 222 2000.