Carse of Gowrie Orchard Festival celebrating the season of mellow fruitfulness
ByNews reporter
Steve MacDougall, Courier, Megginch Orchard, Megginch Castle, (directly off A90, on south side of carriageway ½ mile on left after Errol flyover, between lodge gatehouses). Launch of Carse of Gowrie orchard festival. Pictured, left Catherine Drummond-Herdman (of Megginch Castle) and right Ron Gillies (of Cairn o' Mohr Wine) being playful with some of the apples.
The rich history of fruit growing in the Carse of Gowrie is to be celebrated through a week-long series of events.
The Carse of Gowrie Orchard Festival runs from October 2-9 and includes the chance to visit one of the oldest and most extensive heritage orchards in the area at Megginch.
Andrew Lear will lead a guided walk around the orchard which is not normally open to the public looking at the fruit, the history and plans for its future.
The Cairn O’Mohr Winery at Errol will also host demonstrations, winery tours and live music.