Perth cash machine scam ‘warnings’ dismissed as a prank
ByNews reporter
A message “warning” residents of Perth to avoid using cash machines in the town has been dismissed as a prank by police.
Over the weekend, locals have been receiving texts or messages via social networking sites claiming to be a police warning.
It states, “Don’t use any cash machine in Perth unless inside a Post Office or bank premise. Scam in operation. Please pass on.”
However, a police spokesperson told The Courier that they had not issued any messages.
He said, “This is a prank that has gotten out of hand, as there is nothing like that going on.
“We don’t know how or where it originated.”
While there are no known scams in operation, people using cash machines are always urged to be vigilant and report anything suspicious to the police and inform the bank or store where the ATM is situated.
Perth cash machine scam ‘warnings’ dismissed as a prank