Murray Royal Hospital patient traced in Edinburgh after going on the run By Kirsty McIntosh May 23 2014, 12:36pm May 23 2014, 12:36pm Share Murray Royal Hospital patient traced in Edinburgh after going on the run Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link Paul Brownlie absconded during an escorted outing from Murray Royal Hospital. A psychiatric patient who went on the run from Perth has been traced in Edinburgh. Paul Brownlie was on an escorted trip for Murray Royal Hospital when he went missing on Wednesday. It is understood that he has been returned to the Rohallion unit after being found on Friday morning. The 33-year-old was detained in the State Hospital at Carstairs after knifing a man during a drug-fuelled attack in East Lothian, when he was just 17. He was later moved to the Edinburgh Royal Hospital but absconded when his relationship with nurse Claire Lee, whom he later married, was discovered.