Drunken sailor gets a long lie in the morning By The Courier Reporter September 5 2014, 11:53am September 5 2014, 11:53am Share Drunken sailor gets a long lie in the morning Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://www.thecourier.co.uk/news/perth-kinross/145326/drunken-sailor-gets-a-long-lie-in-the-morning/ Copy Link The sailor caught piloting a ship along the River Tay while drunk has lost his job. Directors at Norwegian company Kopervik Group sacked Andrejs Borodins after he was sentenced to four months in jail earlier this week. Ivar Arne Legland, managing director of the Kopervik Group, revealed that Borodins was no longer employed by the company. He said: “After the confirmation from Dundee Sheriff Court we have no other choice than to stop our cooperation with Mr Borodins. “As a ship management company we are responsible for making sure our vessels trade in a safe way for our owners, charterers and the people around us. “In our company we have a no-alcohol policy and those who do not follow these regulations will lose their job onboard any vessel that we manage.” Borodins had been sailing the ship to Perth while nearly four times the legal limit (137 mics).