A man punched his partner in the face while holding a young child in his arms.
Scott Peletier claimed a “moment of madness” led to the assault on October 12 last year.
Depute fiscal Stephanie Ross told Perth Sheriff Court that Peletier began arguing with the woman after she asked him to turn down the volume on the television set.
He called her a number of offensive names, before telling her: “No wonder I cheat on you all the time.”
Later in the evening the argument reignited and Peletier, of Campsie Road, Perth, punched the woman.
The 22-year-old admitted acting in a threatening or abusive manner by shouting, swearing and making derogatory comments at a Perth address on October 10.
He also admitted assaulting the woman by striking her in the face.
Sheriff Lindsay Foulis told Peletier the incident was not a moment of madness as the tirade had lasted for seven hours and jailed him for nine months.