Woman rescued from car after accident near Dunnottar Castle By Richard Watt June 13 2015, 9:26am June 13 2015, 9:26am Share Woman rescued from car after accident near Dunnottar Castle Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://www.thecourier.co.uk/news/perth-kinross/206420/woman-rescued-from-car-after-accident-near-dunnottar-castle/ Copy Link A woman was rescued from her car this on Friday afternoon after it went off a Mearns coastal road and landed on its side. The incident happened around 5pm on the A92 Stonehaven to Montrose road, one mile north of Dunnottar Castle. Two appliances from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service were called to the scene. A spokeswoman for the fire brigade said a stabilising ladder was used to rescue the woman, who was not hurt in the crash.