SSPCA caring for otter made homeless by Perthshire flooding
ByRichard Burdge
Assistant Lorin Willison with the homeless otter.
A three-week-old otter cub found alone following the flooding in Perthshire is being cared for by the Scottish SPCA.
The animal welfare charity was alerted when the tiny creature was discovered in a car park at Taymouth Marina in Kenmore on Friday.
The male otter is now being looked after at the Scottish SPCA’s National Wildlife Rescue Centre in Fishcross, where he has been named Ripple.
Centre manager Colin Seddon said: “We think Ripple’s holt may have flooded due to the very heavy rain.
“His mother was likely moving location and has either dropped him or left him behind.
“Ripple is so young his eyes haven’t yet opened but he appears in good condition.
“We still need to get him to feed from us but we are hopeful he will.
“Otters usually remain in our care until they are at least a year old and mature enough to fend for themselves in the wild.
“We encourage anyone who sees an otter cub or any other wild animal in distress to call our animal helpline on 03000 999 999 for advice and assistance.”
SSPCA caring for otter made homeless by Perthshire flooding