Almost 400 canoeists took to the water for the fourth annual Tay Descent on October 26. Setting out on a 23-mile jaunt from Dunkeld Cathedral, or the shorter route from Stanley Mills, participants aged 12 to 70 enjoyed what has become Scotlands largest on-water gathering. Some raced down the river in surprisingly favourable weather towards Perth, while others simply enjoyed the river, Perthshires autumn colours and some camaraderie. The outing is the highlight of the Paddle event, which later saw around 2,000 people visit the Bells Sports Centre for a packed weekend of talks and demonstrations.
Almost 400 canoeists took to the water for the fourth annual Tay Descent on October 26. Setting out on a 23-mile jaunt from Dunkeld Cathedral, or the shorter route from Stanley Mills, participants aged 12 to 70 enjoyed what has become Scotland’s largest on-water gathering. Some raced down the river in surprisingly favourable weather towards Perth, while others simply enjoyed the river, Perthshire’s autumn colours and some camaraderie.
The outing is the highlight of the Paddle event, which later saw around 2,000 people visit the Bell’s Sports Centre for a packed weekend of talks and demonstrations.