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Girls’ ‘dirty looks’ row ended in brawl outside Crieff pub

Girls’ ‘dirty looks’ row ended in brawl outside Crieff pub

The street outside a Crieff pub became a battleground after a group of girls turned on each other over allegations of “dirty looks”.

A number of young women became involved in the disturbance in the town’s Burrell Street as the dispute escalated.

Amid threats, shouted abuse and reports of hair-pulling, Rowan Mayes charged at Lorna Fraser on the pavement outside the Meadow Inn and punched her on the head.

The blow knocked Miss Fraser to the ground, where she was then kicked by Mayes, who was 17 at the time of the assault.

During the melee, which saw many friends wade in to break up the fight, Mayes also punched complete stranger Emma McAllister, who had the misfortune to exit the bar as the violence began.

Giving evidence at Perth Sheriff Court on Tuesday, Miss Fraser, 28, said the attack upon her had been “a bit of a blur”.

“I was grabbed and I ended up on the ground,” she said. “Then I felt two kicks to my face one to my eye and then one to my mouth. After that it was even more of a blur.

“I was cowering on the ground, trying to cover my face. I was aware of a lot of people struggling around me. Somebody picked me up and took me back into the bar.”

Mayes, now 18, of Commissioner Street in Crieff, admitted assaulting Miss Fraser and Miss McAllister in Burrell Street on March 24 last year.

Sheriff Michael Fletcher deferred sentence until March 12 to enable social workers to prepare a report.

Erin Johnson, 19, of Hawick Drive in Dundee, had initially faced three charges, including assaulting Miss Fraser and Miss McAllister, which she denied, saying that she had thrown one woman to the ground “in self-defence”.

Sheriff Fletcher found no evidence to convict her for assaults on Miss Fraser and Miss McAllister, commenting: “There is clear evidence that the accused was acting as peacemaker.”

He did, however, fine her £150 for assaulting Kaitlin Cumming by grabbing her by her clothing and throwing her on to the ground.