Community groups and charities around Strathallan Castle stand to benefit from a £20,000 awards scheme launched today by T in the Park.
Festival organiser DF Concerts has teamed up with Foundation Scotland to offer grants to eight community council areas at the festival’s new Perthshire home.
The live music extravaganza moved to Strathallan Castle, near Auchterarder, for the first time this summer.
The show was forced to quit its traditional Balado home after an underground pipeline prompted health and safety fears.
The move was hailed a success by organisers and many fans, but was criticised for major traffic problems.
The future of the event now hinges on whether or not DF Concerts can secure a new Public Entertainment Licence from Perth and Kinross Council.
Meanwhile, a political row over a £150,000 Scottish Government award is ongoing.
Yesterday, T in the Park director Geoff Ellis announced details of the festival’s new community fund.
Groups can apply for donations of between £250 and £2,000 and applications are open until December 11.
Awards will be announced in March next year.
The community fund aims to continue the festival’s legacy of supporting local causes. Foundation Scotland has worked with the show since 2007 and has helped manage the £385,450 made for the Kinross-shire area.
More than 50 organisations have previously benefited, including pre-school groups, environmental projects and services for the elderly.
Several other larger awards helped with capital costs to improve buildings and monuments.
Mr Ellis said: “Local causes in Kinross-shire benefited from the fund for 18 years and when we announced the move to Strathallan, we wanted to ensure this continued.
“By working with Foundation Scotland, there’s a fair and transparent process and we look forward to seeing the positive impact the fund has on the local community.”
For details of how to apply for funding visit