The inaugrual Gartmorn Dam off-road duathlon has been hailed as a “resounding success”.
Feedback on the races has shown more appetite for similar events in the future.
Clackmannanshire Council councillor Ellen Forson, education, sport and leisure convener, said: “I am delighted that the first ever duathlon at Gartmorn Dam was a success.
“The dam is an ideal location for multi-sport events and I hope we are able to repeat this sort of event in the future.
“This event was funded by Event Scotland as part of the Games for Scotland programme, but would not have been possible without the support of a range of staff from across council services.
“In particular maintenance around the dam was completed in time for the event.”
Rebecca McFarlane from the race co-organisers Clacks Active said: “That was a fantastic evening of racing.
“The atmosphere amongst the competitors was brilliant and I have a strong suspicion several of the onlookers have been inspired to take part in the next one if we are successful in organising another.
“We are so fortunate in Clackmannanshire to have areas like Gartmorn Dam,” she said.
Races were run over different routes and courses for each age group.