‘A waste of public money’ 14 police motorbike riders go unused at UK Cabinet meeting in Aberdeen
ByKieran Andrews
Fourteen motorcycle officers were ordered to stay overnight in Aberdeen by Police Scotland ahead of the UK Government’s meeting in the city last week but were sent home without being deployed.
The Courier can reveal the force sent specialists from the road traffic departments based in the West and East divisions ahead of last Monday’s cabinet meeting.
Police sources said the team was sent north to stay at accommodation owned by the force in the city’s Nelson Street the night before the gathering but ended up travelling home without being used.
One insider said: “Fourteen motorcycle officers stayed overnight in Aberdeen ahead of the Tory visit but they were never used. It’s a waste of public money.”
Scottish Conservative North East Scotland MSP Alex Johnstone slammed the decision.
He said: “While a cavalcade of police on motorcycles may look impressive, it has been a grotesque waste of money on this occasion.
“If anything, it demonstrates the central belt bias that exists within Police Scotland.”
A force spokesman said: “Police Scotland moves road policing resources throughout the country as necessary to meet operational demand when required to keep people safe.”
‘A waste of public money’ 14 police motorbike riders go unused at UK Cabinet meeting in Aberdeen