The bill was put forward by Labour's social justice spokeswoman Jackie Ballie.
New proposals aimed at preventing tenants from losing their homes if they run up arrears as a result of the so-called bedroom tax have been lodged at Holyrood.
Labour social justice spokeswoman Jackie Baillie has put forward plans for a Member’s Bill which, if passed, aims to prevent evictions for tenants who have had their housing benefit cut because they are deemed to have spare rooms.
At the same time, she urged the Scottish Government to provide £50 million of funding to fully mitigate the impacts of the welfare change, brought in by Westminster earlier this year.
The Scottish Government’s budget for this year includes £20 million to help those struggling the most as a result of the change.
First Minister Alex Salmond insisted the funding being provided was “the limit we have under our powers at the present moment”.
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations said it was “deeply concerned” about the impact Ms Baillie’s proposal could have.