Almost 300 children treated in A&E across Tayside due to alcohol By The Courier Reporter September 14 2015, 1:25pm September 14 2015, 1:25pm Share Almost 300 children treated in A&E across Tayside due to alcohol Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link Nearly 300 children a year are being treated in A&E across Tayside due to injury or illness caused by alcohol. In the last five years, a total of 1,468 youngsters aged 17 or under have wound up in NHS Tayside A&E departments as a knock-on effect of alcohol. Reasons medical treatment range from having consumed alcohol through to injuries sustained in a car crash caused by a drink driver. Older teenagers aged 15 to 17 are most commonly treated in A&E, with 530 17-year-olds seen since 2010. The statistics also include 16 babies under one-year-old. Alison Todd, chief executive of charity Children 1st, called the NHS findings “desperately sad”. “It is concerning that very young children are being treated for alcohol-related issues,” she said.