Sir, American screen-writer Woody Allen once claimed to have taken a speed-reading course and read “War and Peace” in 20 minutes. When asked what it was about he replied saying: “Russia”.
That particular quote came to mind when I read the Rev. Dr John Cameron’s reaction to the SNP White Paper (letters, November 28): “ an exercise in obfuscation and Brigadoon unreality” amongst other uncomplimentary comments regarding Scotland’s First Minister.
I cannot help but wonder if Mr Cameron may have indulged in some speed-reading of the 600-page plus document to have made such unworthy comments.
He would have us put our faith in the Institute of Fiscal Studies which used assumptions from the Office for Budget Responsibility with its direct connections to the Treasury in reaching its conclusions.
People could be forgiven for wondering why.
The Treasury Department with its sophisticated financial forecasting managed to be so spectacularly unaware of the impending banking crisis arising in 2007 which, in its devastation has brought so much misery to so many in our communities
Considering past circumstances, many of us, with an understandable degree of scepticism, might just question a 50-year financial forecast issued by the IFS, albeit based on complicated financial modelling, the likes of which are incapable of predicting outcomes whereby the dynamics of political policy are present which naturally arise from the need to meet the ever-changing challenges the future will present.
At least this white paper puts together in coherent form a reasonable set of assumptions which points the way to achieve a fairer and more equitable society. Something within which, I think most would agree, certainly does not presently exist within the UK.
Frank Kenneth. 6 Lawside Avenue, Dundee.
Unintended consequence
Sir, A convinced “No” campaign supporter until now, I have changed my mind!
Because of Alex Salmond’s and Nicola Sturgeon’s charisma? Because I love the Scottish Nationalists? Have I been converted by their White Paper? No! It was the front-page banner headline in a national newspaper which announced: “Scotland will be forced out of EU”.
I detest the EU and the damage it has done to almost every aspect of life in the UK. Since David Cameron shows no genuine will to take us out of the EU or even to give us a referendum on renegotiation of our terms of membership, I’ll settle for the Spanish Prime Minister’s threat to keep Scotland out if we get our independence.
It would apparently take years of negotiation before Scotland would be allowed EU membership and, with a bit of luck, the EU could well have collapsed by then.
I’m a “Yes” man now and, if our independence bid fails in September, I’ll just have to fall back on voting UKIP.
David Cameron, watch it! I shall not be the only Tory thinking along these lines!
As for Wee Eck, I’ll wager he never dreamed of the unintended consequences for the independence referendum of his determination to keep Scotland in the EU. There must be many Scots, not least our fishermen and farmers, who want out.
Alex Salmond has been saved by the gong and Senor Mariano Rajoy!
George K McMillan. 5 Mount Tabor Avenue, Perth.
Still fighting for justice
Sir, Regarding the compensation to the three female RAF recruits for having to march in step with their male counterparts. One wonders what the Fife national serviceman who witnessed exploding atom bombs on Christmas Island thinks of it all.
Unlike the RAF recruits he did not volunteer and after many years of ill health he is still fighting for justice.
Tom Fisken. 18 Wilson Street, Perth.
Cupar bollard mystery
Sir, Could someone at Fife roads department please explain to me and a few of my driving friends what the purpose of what I can only describe as a “permanent bollard” on the exit road from Cupar on the Glenrothes/Kettlebridge road is, other than causing a hold up and frustration to south-bound traffic?
I could maybe understand a little were this bollard on the other side of the road, thus slowing the traffic entering a built-up area, but for some strange reason this obstacle is placed on the side which prevents traffic from exiting Cupar about 100 yards from the open road.
Already I have witnessed, and been caught in queues of frustrated drivers having to wait completely unnecessarily to leave the town, yet the oncoming traffic, with right of way, speed on into the town.
In these austere times why, oh why, are drivers being forced to sit wasting fuel not to mention being delayed for absolutely no apparent reason?
I have lived and travelled in this area all my 65 years and am not aware of any great accidents or the like happening here. It is no accident “black spot”.
Perhaps I am missing something in all of this, I am aware of the need for safety on our roads but to me this would seem to have the opposite effect causing frustration to drivers with attempts to navigate this hazard at risky moments. Can someone explain, please!
Robert J Donald. Denhead, Ceres.