Imagine walking down the street to post a Christmas card to your dear old granny only to find some shady little elf had nicked the post box!
You wouldn’t be “merry” pleased, would you?
Well, as you can find out in Wednesday’s Courier, neither were the angry locals of Oakley in Fife who had to endure that very nightmare before Christmas (I’ll get my coat).
In other Fife-tinged news we bring you the story of an historic seal used by Robert the Bruce himself to recognise authority for collecting customs at Dunfermline Abbey.
If you have a spare 120 grand kicking about it could be yours in time for Christmas.
Sticking with the theme of noble gentry we bring you news of some serious boffinry that has cast doubt on Her Majesty’s claim to the throne.
We also have a bunch of rowers reunited after 50 years, news on Gordon Brown’s potential successor and shocking stats on locum doctor usage in Tayside and Fife.