Holidays are coming, holidays are coming…
Or are they?
Indeed, perhaps you think the festivities are already underway?
New research by boffins has suggested the Christmas season now starts mid-August. Oof.
It’s all to do with rather clever algorithms linked to internet search terms. “Elf”. “Santa”. That kind of thing. Jolly clever bit of wizardry really.
But is it true in practical terms?
Make up your own mind on perusing the Courier. It’s a paper for every season.
Meanwhile, readers can meet the rather naughty clubbers who are Still Game despite being kicked out of a Fife club.
One of the naughty fellas was barred from the club but sneaked in with a pal while cunningly disguised as Jack and Victor. Sadly, their ruse came unstuck when they were voted winners of a fancy dress contest and their real identities were revealed.
A quite, quite wonderful ruse.
In other news, it’s eyes on the pies all over again as judging got underway in the world Scotch pie championships.
We sent our intrepid reporter into the pressure cooker (not literally most of them are oven-baked as standard) atmosphere to sample the delights for herself.
Find out how she got on in Wednesday’s rather tasty offering.
Farmers. Are you feelin’ them?
That’s what Prince Charles would like to know. Or something very much along those lines anyway.
Chic feels people are getting more and more detached from the countryside. Which is, he opines, a jolly worrying thing.
Find out more in your super midweek Courier.
There is every chance of you finding an array of tales to entertain, amuse, educate and indeed delight in Wednesday’s edition. It would be something of a mistake to miss it. I really do believe that. For more on all of these stories lovingly detailed in miniature above, along with a huge selection of others, please do pick up your copy. Alternatively, why not try our digital edition?