The weather bomb has been detonated.
Shrapnel has landed all over our green and pleasant land.
Indeed, the blast’s icy fingers (to mix metaphors somewhat) gripped us all on Wednesday to one extent or another.
We are handling those icy fingers with kid gloves (as it were) but have not shied away from getting out and about to bring you the very latest from every corner of Courier Country.
You won’t (I’m making an assumption here, but I think it is a fair and reasonable one) want to miss it.
But it can’t all be bombs and icy blasts. No, we also have the faint but unmistakable whiff of poltical intrigue in Thursday’s inquisitive edition.
Should a man rip down his Yes banner from a balcony in central Perth?
A housing association thinks he should certainly consider it. He disagrees.
It’s a perfect storm (albeit short of a bomb).
But what do YOU think?
Make up your mind on perusing The Courier.
I think it is fair to say our Thursday readers will also very much enjoy meeting young Sooty.
“Who the devil”, I hear you bellowing in impatient anguish, “is Sooty?”.
Well, once you’ve simmered down a bit I’ll tell you.
Sooty is a splendid blackbird.
He has glossy dark feathers and a bright orange bill.
But (even) better than all of that, Sooty loves raisins. And is happy to eat them when proferred by a human hand.
“Wow”, I hear you saying in largely sated, but still somewhat curious manner, “where can one find this amazing bird?”
To which I reply, with an indulgent chuckle, “you will find out in Thursday’s Courier”.
Meanwhile, all over the country exictement is reaching fever-pitch ahead of Christmas.
But in one corner of Dundee that thrill is being tarnished.
Tarnished considerably.
It is our sad duty to bring you news of Kevin the wire-framed reindeer.
So far, so good, but when I tell you Kevin has vanished, presumed stolen, you will perhaps appreciate the gravity of the situation.
And it is on that sombre note that I must sign off for the evening.
It merely remains for me to urge you, in the strongest possible (but still polite) terms to pick up your copy of Thursday’s Courier. Failing that why not try our digital edition?