Indyref: Deportation fear leads Latvian to vote No
ByThe Courier Reporter
Latvian man Valentins Lukjanous told The Courier he felt he had “no choice” but to vote No out of fear he could be deported under an independent Scotland.
The 27-year-old said: “I have worked here for quite some time and I love Scotland and all it stands for but I also enjoy being part of the United Kingdom.
“I have real fears about deportation if things are to change and new laws and legislation come into force.
“I love this country so much and I want to stay. Here there is better work, better wages and I have made many, many friends.
“I have been told if Scotland is independent the immigration rules would change dramatically and I could be deported in as little as 42 months’ time, which breaks my heart.”
Indyref: Deportation fear leads Latvian to vote No