Indyref: a shining example of real democracy in action
ByGraham Huband
Scotland has spoken. What has been said will soon be deciphered.
But one thing is clear – this small nation of ours can hold its head high after perhaps the most extraordinary political campaign ever seen on these isles.
A campaign that has captured the imagination of the people like no other in my lifetime.
Passions have been roused and strong words exchanged – of that there is no doubt.
But despite being all pervading, the debate has been conducted impeccably in homes, in workplaces, in cafes, pubs, restaurants, churches and working clubs.
For many it was an easy choice. They went to the polls certain in their beliefs.
For many more Scots whose political affiliations are loose or non-existent it was an agonising decision to make.
But that enduring, nauseating, sleep-depriving agony did not deter. Millions found their voice and made their mark on Scotland’s future just as they were asked to do.
Whatever the outcome, Scotland’s independence referendum has been a shining example of real democracy in action and something of which we can all be proud.
Indyref: a shining example of real democracy in action