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Nevin excited to see more from wing wizard Ikechi Anya

Ikechi Anya (centre) became an instant hit with the Tartan Army thanks to his wonderful performance in Skopje.
Ikechi Anya (centre) became an instant hit with the Tartan Army thanks to his wonderful performance in Skopje.

Pat Nevin has backed Ikechi Anya to deliver the searing pace on the flanks that Scotland have been without “for a generation” following his blistering display in Macedonia.

The Watford flyer tormented the hosts in Skopje, scoring the opening goal of the 2-1 triumph and turning Daniel Georgievski inside out throughout a hugely impressive first start for his nation.

Nevin, a winger of some repute in his day, picking up 28 caps for Scotland, was blown away by the performance of Anya, and reckons he brings the raw speed which has been sorely lacking in recent years.

He said: “I don’t think anyone played badly. There were a lot of sevens and eights out of 10 but, as for Ikechi Anya, how many do you give him out of 10?

“When was the last time Scotland had a forward with real pace? Not just someone who is a bit quick. He’s the first one we’ve had for almost a generation and, boy, does it make a difference.”

Nevin has hailed the way Gordon Strachan’s side “almost played Macedonia off the park” and hopes the progress continues.

Although he was not shocked that Scotland won in Macedonia, Nevin admits he was pleasantly surprised by the stylish manner in which the side performed.

Nevin now hopes that can translate into a positive performance against a Croatia side which will represent a step up in quality.