Angus very own Million Dollar Baby came through her first boxing match victorious on April 26 after a close-run match in Arbroath. Charlotte Tasker, 16, took the win in her first competitive fight in a match against Glasgows Jade Welsh, also 16, at the Royal British Legion. The club had a further five boxers named as winners and Charlottes evening was capped off by Olympic gold medalist Dick McTaggart describing her fight as one of the best of the night.
Angus’ very own Million Dollar Baby came through her first boxing match victorious on April 26 after a close-run match in Arbroath. Charlotte Tasker, 16, took the win in her first competitive fight in a match against Glasgow’s Jade Welsh, also 16, at the Royal British Legion.
The club had a further five boxers named as winners and Charlotte’s evening was capped off by Olympic gold medalist Dick McTaggart describing her fight as “one of the best of the night”.