New Holyrood MSPs to take oaths in Scots, Gaelic, English, Urdu and Zimbabwean Shona
May 12 2021
Pitlochry singing star Jock Duncan ensured wartime voices were never forgotten
March 29 2021
Doric Quine Sheena Blackhall reveals pupil attack and suicide bid in new autobiography
March 25 2021
Did Robert Burns grow up speaking Doric?
January 23 2021
Premium Content
Sunset Song: Classic novel set in the Mearns became the first BBC drama series shot in colour
January 18 2021
Spikkin Scots Quiz: How many of these Scots phrases do you know?
November 30 2020
Spikkin Scots: Reclaiming Scotland’s mither tongue
November 25 2020
Spikkin Scots: Listen to the different dialects of Scotland with our interactive map
November 25 2020
Spikkin Scots: New survey reveals how Scotland really feels about the Scots language
November 25 2020
‘Shakkins o’ the pyoke’ cap remarkable £28k fundraising run of Kirrie’s Doric double act
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Comedy heroes target charity milestone despite hanging up bunnets
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Angus and Mearns Matters: Fit a job some have with the rules of the road
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Angus councillor inspired by great-granny’s essay on the suffragists
February 9 2018
VIDEO: Thousands take part in Dundee student’s survey of Scots dialects
June 15 2017
Tattiebogle, bahookie, scelp…how many of these excellent Scots words do you know?
June 15 2017