All Drink-driving Posts
‘Drunk’ M90 motorist tells court ribs were too sore to give breath test
January 17 2020
Drunk motorist had two children in her car when she crashed vehicle
January 16 2020
Perthshire OAP drink-driver’s 16-minute ‘weaving’ on road to Dundee exposed by own dashcam footage
January 16 2020
Mum-of-three caught in Perth trying to drive full length of A9 while five times alcohol limit
January 9 2020
Breathalyser has killed off after-dinner digestifs such as cognac, whisky and liqueur
January 7 2020
Perth businessman and former racing driver banned from road after being caught drunk on A9
December 24 2019
Fife police issue drink-drive warning as 110 motorists give negative breath tests
December 14 2019
Provisional licence holder drove new car while drunk and blocked traffic on M90
December 7 2019
Perth drink driver banned from UK roads but free to drive in her native Canada
November 30 2019
Northern Irish farmer falls fouls of Scots drink-drive limit at Angus international sheep dog trials
November 4 2019
‘Model citizen’ pushed over OAP at Angus pub then sped past while nearly six times drink-drive limit
October 26 2019
Road ban for Dundee carer caught behind wheel at five times drink-drive limit
October 24 2019
Pheasant worker over the limit in Brechin had been jailed in native Poland over fatal crash
October 21 2019
Angus teen drink-driver mounted kerb and crashed into stone wall
October 4 2019
Ban for Arbroath hit-and-run drink-driver so inebriated police struggled to wake him
September 14 2019
Driving ban for Arbroath man who got behind wheel of partner’s car following lunchtime row
September 7 2019
Teen drink-driver ‘demolished’ Perth city centre traffic lights
September 6 2019
Perthshire driver who hit parked cars was more than four times above drink limit
September 5 2019
Fife woman banned at Dundee Sheriff Court after driving three times the limit
September 3 2019
Dundee teen got behind the wheel while almost four times the drink-driving limit
August 23 2019
Hair of the dog Angus delivery driver decanted vodka into Irn Bru bottle while on the job
August 22 2019
Perth drink-driver who smashed into car on A9 then fled could face prison
August 14 2019
Drink-driver four times the limit was struggling due to death of son, Dundee court told
August 12 2019
OAP Angus drink-driver’s Restriction of Liberty Order relaxed to allow him to walk dog
August 10 2019