All Grammar Posts
Watch how much choc you eat, you might get die of beaties
August 19 2019
How do you feel about contractions, even if you’re not having a baby?
August 12 2019
OH MY WORD: Do you know anyone who is an Alec?
August 5 2019
I’ll have to have a word about Oor Wullie’s language
July 29 2019
OH MY WORD: ‘Phenomena’ gaffe shows value of sub-editors
July 21 2019
What on earth is a nat-gih?
July 14 2019
A worryingly good argument made in favour of emoticons
July 8 2019
Whatever became of Wallet Bayonet?
June 30 2019
You might be a Perthling or a Glenrothesian, it’s your demonym
June 24 2019
And you thought World War Z was a zombie movie . . .
June 17 2019
A builder can’t create a house unless he knows what a brick is
June 9 2019
At what point does green become blue?
June 2 2019
We all have idiolects, but some are more annoying than others
May 28 2019
Cats and dogs, stair rods, and Nanook — you’ve got to love a good idiom
May 21 2019
Synonyms: There aren’t two different words that mean exactly the same thing…with one exception
May 6 2019
Litotes: stating a negative to affirm a positive
April 30 2019
Why I like the sound of Team UK
April 16 2019
The danger of mishearing a word – then failing to check its spelling
April 6 2019
Can you name the nine parts of speech?
April 2 2019
An infuriating change to our language is under way
March 27 2019
Flower of Scotland is a defeatist dirge
March 16 2019
How could anyone confuse to, too and two?
March 10 2019
Wrack and ruin is not rack and ruin
March 6 2019
Is the spread of Gaelic inexorable?
February 27 2019