A summer of discontent
May 17 2017
Widow tells of ‘nightmare’ motorcycle collision which killed her husband
May 16 2017
Roads closed and children kept indoors after gas leak at Ineos Grangemouth
May 2 2017
Infrastructure deal secures 210 jobs
April 20 2017
New war of words erupts at Grangemouth petrochemicals plant
April 7 2017
An enigmatic industrialist
April 5 2017
Scottish Government opens public consultation on fracking
February 1 2017
Scotland can lead world in climate change solutions, says Perth expert
October 14 2016
‘Precautionary principle’ holds Scotland back
October 13 2016
OperatorForth Ports sees energy work as key
October 4 2016
Using Leuchars would boost whole region
October 3 2016
A “virtual pipeline” of US shale gas to Scotland
September 28 2016
$2 billion investment to safeguard Scottish 10,000 jobs
September 28 2016
First US shale gas shipment arrives at Grangemouth
September 27 2016
UPDATED: First US shale delivery can’t dock due to high winds
September 27 2016
First shale gas shipment due in Scotland
September 26 2016
Labour in surprise fracking ban announcement
September 26 2016
Grangemouth refinery swings back into profit
September 12 2016
Ineos says accepting shale gas from fracking will make Grangemouth “world class”
August 9 2016
A hard decision on shale gas
July 20 2016
Grangemouth celebrates its golden anniversary
May 9 2016