Margaret Thatcher
ALEX BELL: Boris Johnson has no plans to let 3m people into the UK. He is just trying to distract us
June 4 2020
BREXIT DAY: How EU referendum result crashed through the political establishment and set us all on an uncharted course
January 31 2020
Baroness Thatcher and Carrie Bradshaw’s handbags to go on show
December 4 2019
V&A in talks to display Baroness Thatcher’s famous handbag
July 10 2019
John Sergeant: Margaret Thatcher was more attractive than on-screen portrayals
June 11 2019
Paul Whitelaw on TV: Wild Bill + I Can Go For That: The Smooth World of Yacht Rock
June 8 2019
Paul Whitelaw on TV: Hatton Garden + Thatcher: A Very British Revolution
May 18 2019
Ring worn by Margaret Thatcher on day she became first female PM up for auction
April 17 2019
EWAN GURR: Tory MP says poll tax ‘not a preconceived, vindictive attack on Scotland’
April 3 2019
New play reimagines the ‘deeply divisive’ career of Boris Johnson
March 14 2019
Spitting Image puppet of Margaret Thatcher up for auction
February 4 2019
Nelson Mandela named as a greater leader than Winston Churchill in TV poll
January 10 2019
Former Angus man Graeme Law now runs the ‘completely wild’ town planning system in the Falkland Islands
January 3 2019
Margaret Thatcher’s government wanted Dundee’s football teams to ground-share after Hillsborough tragedy
December 28 2018
Interview with The Proclaimers: Why new album title track ‘Angry Cyclist’ is a metaphor for our times
August 11 2018
Dundee Matters: SNP Bad? An easy answer to difficult questions
March 26 2018
Thatcherism is dead — conference season confirmed it
October 12 2017
Margaret Thatcher’s ‘callous’ policies linked with drugs deaths today
July 26 2017
Armed police cannot solve society’s ills
May 27 2017
Do not treat Scotland as wildlife playground
May 5 2017
ALEX BELL: Brexit brawl will bruise us all
May 4 2017
Rates debacle for fickle Nationalists
February 22 2017
Former Labour MP Tam Dalyell dies aged 84
January 26 2017
Thatcher’s welfare state plans prompted ‘nearest thing to cabinet riot’
November 25 2016