Scottish Conservatives
All Scottish Conservatives Posts
Conservatives issue university places funding warning
June 14 2016
Tories call for review of GM crops ban
June 11 2016
Minister confirms Queensferry Crossing will not open on time
June 8 2016
“McStasi” is not working
June 8 2016
Former SNP leader calls for named person legislation to be repealed
June 7 2016
64% think named person policy an ‘unacceptable intrusion’, polls finds
June 6 2016
Named person scheme to be debated by MSPs
June 5 2016
New Tory MSPs branded ‘part-time’ in rammy with SNP
May 31 2016
Nicola Sturgeon puts education and independence at heart of government plans
May 25 2016
Conservatives call for heart screening programme for youngsters
May 24 2016
Ruth Davidson gets engaged to long-term partner Jen Wilson
May 23 2016
Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson says her shadow cabinet is ‘raring to go’
May 19 2016
Conservatives call for investigation into expenses of affair scandal SNP MPs
May 18 2016
MSPs poised to attack SNP’s anti-sectarianism in football law
May 15 2016
Tories in Scotland ‘hopelessly divided’ on EU, says SNP
May 15 2016
Strong opposition at last
May 11 2016
Davidson to lead a charge on the SNP’s series of ‘bad laws’
May 7 2016
Conservatives urge Nicola Sturgeon to rule out independence referendum
May 6 2016
Joe FitzPatrick praises campaign team after victory in Dundee City West
May 6 2016
Scottish Conservatives ‘exceedingly likely to secure best-ever Holyrood result’
May 3 2016
‘I get into trouble for the things I tweet about football!’, says Rangers fan Murdo Fraser
May 3 2016
New poll finds support down slightly for ‘dominant’ SNP
April 28 2016
New poll puts Labour and Conservatives neck and neck for second in election
April 27 2016
Ruth Davidson pressed on Clyde shipyard concerns
April 26 2016