Scottish Social Services Council
Former Broughty Ferry care worker handed official warning after abusing colleagues
March 26 2018
Angus Council social worker removed from register after placing vulnerable children at risk
March 17 2018
‘At best neglectful, at worst…abusive’ — St Andrews care worker sanctioned following investigation
March 6 2018
Ex-care home worker faces hearing over alleged sexual misconduct
February 19 2018
Methil care worker struck off for “verbally abusive and physically violent” behaviour
February 13 2018
Nursery worker convicted of causing serious injury by dangerous driving avoids sack
February 1 2018
Care worker struck-off for assaults on vulnerable adult
January 22 2018
Sacked Fife Women’s Aid worker claims she was “failed” by employer
October 3 2017
Dundee housing manager accused of ‘misappropriating’ service user’s money
May 20 2017
Care home worker injured disabled woman
February 13 2017
Liam Fee: Hunt on for £116k boss to lead department where two-year-old “fell off the radar”
September 22 2016
Care worker struck off for borrowing cash, scoffing meal and stealing sweets
September 14 2016
Liam Fee social worker clearly failed to meet acceptable standard, says lawyer
September 2 2016
Liam Fee: Key social worker “did as little as possible”, hearing told
September 1 2016
Liam Fee social work team weakened by “personality clashes”, hearing told
August 31 2016
Care worker struck off for failing to reveal assault conviction
July 20 2016
Care home worker who told elderly woman to “go and die” is struck off
July 20 2016
Union claims care worker was victim of post-Jimmy Savile “vendetta”
July 12 2016
Conditions imposed on child care worker
July 6 2016
Care home nurse told resident to “for goodness’ sake, just die”
July 2 2016
Perth care worker struck off after catalogue of errors put patients at risk
June 10 2016
Angus youth worker struck off for punching Rossie colleague
May 18 2016
Joint board for health and social services holds first public meeting
May 5 2016
Care worker given warning after allegations investigated
May 2 2016