It is now official. The Tories have a death wish in Scottish politics.
New Scottish Secretary and sole Scottish Tory David “Fluffy” Mundell (majority 798) thinks it is a good idea that Scotland’s budget should be CUT by £170 million in the current year even AFTER the Scottish Parliament has legally set the Budget.
I have examined Mr Mundell’s copious election literature.
Nowhere does it mention that this was the Tory intention. So either he didn’t tell his electorate or more likely is too far down the Tory pecking order to be told by the Chancellor.
Not Scotland’s man in the Cabinet but the Tories’ last man in Scotland.
Mundell mumbled this week that soon the Scottish Parliament would be able to raise income tax to cope with the cuts from Westminster.
Memo to Mundell: we want tax powers to improve public services not to fill in Tory black holes.
There is only one useful black hole in Scottish politics. That is the one into which the Tory party are about to fall.